Wednesday, March 16, 2011

More Time Travel and a Nuclear Disaster Update from a PSU Nuclear Engineer

That's our own Brian Boyer at Chernobyl, who did not contribute to this report.  But another PSU Nuclear Engineer grad was quoted in the New York Times (caution for those on the Right!) about the continuing disaster in Japan.  I have heard the quote "The Dragon is still  loose" about the current situation, from an anonymous source.  Let's all pray for the safety of the "anonymous 50" who are risking everything to bring it under control.  And here's a hero of Chernobyl who should get a tip of the PSU Track cap from every one of us!  Politicians and bureaucrats are not heroes, men like Viktor Birkun are heroes.

And a Physics post is never complete without a far-flung theory of some sort.  Here's one postulating that the Hadron Collider is actually the world's first time machine.  Damn neutrinos get all the luck...

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