Tuesday, March 29, 2011

PSU Trackster Enjoys Birds Nest Soup!

I'm not really sure that Jeff Sanden actually got to sample the Chinese delicacy of Bird Nest Soup.  And yeah, it's as disgusting as it sounds.  The gelatinous texture of the soup is from the swallow's saliva used to hold the nest together.  It's supposed to be delicious, just like the scorpions and rats on a stick I saw for sale at push carts all over China.  (They did smell good anyway!)  I've eaten a lot of Chinese food, but have never partaken of the avian home base.

But, he did get us this great photo of the "Bird's Nest" Olympic Stadium complete with PSU Track Alumni Wrist Band, for which I'm grateful.  His expertise with the cell phone camera is extraordinary.


  1. You can be sure - I didn't sample Bird Nest Soup.
    But there were some nasties - turtle shell, chicken feet, pig knuckles, cow udder.
    The burger, fries, and beer I ordered when I got home never tasted so good.

  2. You know you are now doomed to keep repeating the trip until the Kung Pao Chicken dish is finally served. Sort of like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day. ("It's coooollllldddd outside!")

  3. Great shot of the Bird'ss Nest and the wrist band ....do they still light it up at night? I was there in October '08 and there were tons of people visiting it. LTM

  4. Maybe Jeff can answer that, but our wrist bands DO light up at night. (At least 1/2 of this year's model does!)

  5. That's my understanding - lit up at night and still active as a tourist draw - but I wasn't able to stick around at the office late enough to see it. (Our offices are in the dragon's head of Pangu Plaza - the only way to get that shot.) -j


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