Wednesday, March 2, 2011

There's at Least Two People More Irrational Than Me!

Twenty-nine years ago I put a quiz at the end of the Podiatry School notes I typed up for the class asking which person said some insane things.  The two people involved were Muamar Khaddafi (Guadaffi, Qaddaffi...) and Roxanne Pulitzer.  Today I came across this quiz with the same theme.  The difference being, I was only paid $2 per page for the notes. Charlie is paid $2 Million per 23 minute episode and Gadaffi drew $40 Billion in US aid for his 40 years of "work", pocketing nearly all of it.  I threw my quiz in for free.  Take the quiz at the link and let me know how you do.  As a bonus, include which you feel will resume room temperature first in the poll on the sidebar.  I scored a pitiful 5/10!  And is that the hat Judge Smails wore to christian his Sloop?*

Here's another Test.  If you pass this one, don't let anyone else know.  And you should be locked up forever!

* Turns out it was the Away Version of the same hat!


  1. Quite a stellar effort. I hope you flunked the other test, as did I!

  2. Darn, I only got 5/10! I flunked the other one as well. Thank goodness I'm no longer competitive or I'd be taking the Sheen/Gadaffy Duck quiz over and over! LTM

  3. The second quiz made no sense to me, which was a relief. I flunked with flying colors. It then really sent a chill down my spine to think what would have happened if I "Passed" that test. I found it profoundly interesting, and it apparently has a fair amount of credibility to it. Not that everyone who passes it is a psychopath, but that psychopaths routinely pass that test. And 50/50 on the first test is what my smartest dog got too, just like you and I.


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