Monday, April 25, 2011

Evidence of God?

Although God is all around us, finding evidence of His existence is necessarily difficult.  Glimpses are available to those with patience and an open mind to appreciate them. I've been blessed a handful of times to have seen what I consider such evidence. Others are free to argue.

The possible creation of a "God Particle" by the Large Hadron CERN Collider in Switzerland probably isn't really in that sphere of evidence, although it is tantalizingly close.  All Physics eventually becomes metaphysics, as I always say. The chances this was really a "God Particle" are slim, but it will enable quite a few smart men a lot of work for quite some time to find out.

The true evidence of God is more often found in the more mundane life experiences.  This might even include a 1:46.45 800 M Run at the Jesse Owens Meet at Ohio State this weekend. Cas Loxsom's effort is No. 2 on PSU's all-time list.  PSU is 800 U!

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