Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Fermi Tevatron Outdoes Hadron Collider?

" I'm a god, not The God. I don't think."  -Bill Murray in Grounhog Day.

The Fermi Tevatron may have discovered a new Quantum particle recently.  Not quite the God Particle, but something quite similar and remarkable.  I'm hoping Ron Moore can update us on the significance.

And Here's some additional insight which points out that all this may be nothing, BUT just in case many Physicists will convene with a large percentage of them wearing mismatched socks, uncombed hair and forgetting to eat breakfast!  (Just kidding Ron.)

Here's another great summary of what's going on in the Nuclear Accelerator World.


  1. From Ron Moore:
    It's interesting - we don't know what it might be. It's been fun watching it develop over the past year. It's not a "Standard Model" Higgs Boson that is the "God Particle" we've been seeking (among other new physics signatures). We're publishing now that is statistically significant enough as "evidence for" something new, but not a "discovery". Now the other Tevatron experiment can look in their existing data, and the LHC folks should take a look, too.

  2. The theoretical Physicists would have more time to ponder things if they weren't busy making and watching "The Big Bang Theory" so much. And the names Sheldon and Leonard for the show's stars was a hat-tip to hall-of-fame TV producer(I Spy) Sheldon Leonard, who also starred as the bartender in "It's a Wonderful Life".


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