Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Lock Haven Team In the News

When we last visited our friends at Lock Haven, we noted they had rabid fans, to say the least.  They have since made the national news by running a relay from Lock Haven to the Pennsylvania Capital Building to protest the proposed changes in education reimbursements in the  budget next year.

It is worth noting that decreasing reimbursements to PSU are onerous also, at a school which already has one of the lowest state subsidies in the nation.  The problems are real, with no good solutions available.  I'm not advocating either side, but merely pointing out that times are tough, and yet sports participation remains one of life's better learning opportunities. I hope no one got hurt running the 100 mile relay to Harrisburg!


  1. I'll take a side: sadly, PSU has become one of the most expensive public universities in the country; they've overdone it on the spending, pricing it out of reach for many small-town families. They get enough taxpayer money. RW


  2. One thing running at PSU taught me was to do more with less. For example, I ran in some shoes for more than 2,000 miles, and one or two pairs for more than 3,000 miles. I had no real choice. Also, every pair of spikes I ever had were donated to me from someone else who didn't need them anymore. Luckily, in those days I weighed barely over 100 pounds and midsoles and outsoles were practically indestructible.

  3. And isn't PSU the most expensive school in the nation for In-State students?

  4. "..ran in some shoes for more than 2,000 miles, and one or two pairs for more than 3,000 miles..."

    isn't that why we now GOLF?

  5. My golf shoes are notoriously unworn. One round most years, with 2 rounds last year will never add up to many miles, considering the carts! I was bummed when I needed to buy a new pair because the old style spikes were outlawed everywhere. The Nike Internationalists were the best running shoes ever made. If I dig them out of the basement I could still run in them.

  6. I agree 100% with RW's take on this. It's sad that PSU is now so expensive for a public school - that is not what the university set out to be. I have to wonder if Dr. Spanier ever questioned an expense in his life.

  7. I'm just glad that all of us that feel this way don't have to run a 100 mile relay! A more pitiful sight is hard to imagine. And many of us that were walk-ons in the olden days couldn't afford to go to a school that is that expensive, and we wouldn't be able to run for it anyway. It's sad. I hope we can change that. Support of the Track/XC Program is a big piece of that puzzle. The other part is political, and a battle I'm not prepared to fight.


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