Friday, May 13, 2011

Limited Edition "PSU is 800 U" T-Shirt From Olympic Designer

For a limited time only, The Group Store will have a PSU is 800 U t-shirt for sale for under $10 (well, one cent under $10 anyway!).

This Limited Edition Shirt is simple, yet elegant and will make a great statement no matter what your track event was/is, and where you happen to wear it.

With a design by 1980 Olympian Greg Fredericks, and a motto I stole from someone I can't remember on the internet, you'll be the envy of two-lappers* everywhere.

Check out all the other items for sale on the site and show your support of our efforts to solidify the future of the best track program in the country.

And answering a recent question from an anonymous source, yes, the store is real and quite legal.  I'm all about the letter and intent of the law.  Douglas Kent Esquire will attest to my good character, especially if I sink a putt or two during the tournament!

*Four-lappers indoors.

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