Thursday, May 26, 2011

Smooches for Coach Sullivan

A new camera still can't help me take good pictures!  I think this one didn't turn out well because of the flash from another camera, but what do I know?  It will still be one of my favorites because it shows just how well the continuity of PSU Track has turned out.  There were naysayers and skeptics following Coach Groves' retirement in 2006, and our group has done its best to make them all change their minds.  This photo should add a few converts to our fold.  Both Coach Alford-Sullivan and Coach Groves attended our Reunion evening, and you can see they are both on the same page.  Times are different, with budgetary issues, Title IX, a litigious society, cell phones etc., but the spirit and reverence for the history and future of PSU Track is still alive and well. I would like to think that our group has had a little bit to do with that, and will have even more to do with it in the coming years. 

Coach Alford Sullivan later gave Coach Groves a birthday present.  The photo of the Sprint Medley  Relay quartet on the medal stand at Penn with Coach Groves made him smile quite a bit.  This photo was taken by my daughter with the same camera.  An artist I am not!

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