Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Finally, A Roads Scholar in Our Number!

 I did say Roads Scholar, didn't I?  Tyler McCandless has received a scholarship from the Road Runners Club of America.  The awards are for aspiring road racers showing great promise in becoming national and world class athletes.  Congrats to Tyler on a job well done.

And here's a pic of classmate and Senior runner Mark Hawkins sporting his new PSU Track Alumni singlet while winning his age group at The West Virginia 5 K Championships.  The other guy had no chance!


  1. What kind of time did MH run? What's his age group again?

  2. Not sure of the time. He is in the 50-55 age group. Rocking the PSU Track Alumni singlet though, ain't he?

  3. Great win Mark! What color shoes did you wear? The comeback continues. glf

  4. He's cutting a mug down the homestretch!!! Way to go Hawk. LTM

  5. "Cutting a mug!" I like that. Is that a Pittsburgh thing? I'm going to get my "ink-pen" out and write that down. I'll use a "gum-band" to clip that to my wallet for safe keeping.

    Really though, that mug is the most intense I've seen in years. Rocking the singlet to the extreme!

  6. If I recall correctly, "cutting a mug" is a quote from either Paul Pollock or Vern Lucas. It's not a Pittsburgh thing like tennies, gumbands, chipped ham and yinz guys. LTM

  7. "Vern Lucas and Paul Pollock" really brings back the memories. We'll know we have achieved our goal when Paul and Vern are golfing with us! And I thought of "Yinz" but didn't want to try to spell it. I'll leave that to the real "burghers".

  8. That was my kicking mug.... yards from the finish. The fellow Grand Master to my left caught and passed me with less than 50 yards to go. He'd out-kicked me before to snatch a $50 award, and this was the first race for the PSU singlet.... so I dug deep and passed him back at the line.... both were 18:07... and as it turned out we both won our age groups (50-54, 55-59) for $50 each this time.
    Finally getting some mileage into my training, so hope to honor the singlet with some better times soon!
    Perhaps the new shoes I just tried out today (yes, in that color Greg!) will help!
    I'll let yinz know...


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