Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Where I Try to Get 40 IQ Points Back: Man, I'm Dumb

"We home school 'em. I teach the big ones, and the big ones teach the little ones, but nobody taught me, so the whole thing is an exercise in futility" -Cletus, apparently my blog adviser.
My recent loss of intelligence needs to be corrected as soon as possible, so I'll try some news from the world of Physics again.  Might not work, but at least I'm trying.

First up is news that at the Tevatron Collider, where PSU Track Alum Brainiac Ron Moore works, chances have improved that they really have discovered a new elementary particle never before seen.  Not the "god particle", but something similar.  Scientists are all about secrecy and such in these exciting times, but word still leaks out.  In my eyes, this also raises the odds that the other collider has actually found the "god particle".

Next up we switch to the competition in the colliding world, the CERN Collider in Switzerland.  They have successfully made and contained antimatter for several minutes for the first time.  With the discovery of this method they can now begin the real work of experimenting with antimatter.  Not everyone is sure where this will lead, but geeks are excited beyond belief in central Europe.  Dan Brown's evil Priest in his second book better be kept out of the loop!

Stephen Hawking now unequivocally says "There is no God", something he was loathe to fully articulate before.  He says he has always felt this way but didn't want some to think ill of him before.  He says he no longer cares what people think of him.

But other Physicists have believers bases covered.  Despite physics being the most pure of the sciences, not everything can be known for certainty. Even Stephen Hawking would agree with that statement.

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