Tuesday, July 19, 2011

All in the Family or Family Feud?

It looks like there is a big storm brewing in Harrisburg on Wednesday evening with the running of the Harrisburg Mile down Front street.  The Fuller Brothers are taking a family rivalry to the streets.  The Bloods and the Crips are in hiding.

Brian, Kevin and Mark will all be toeing the line in the elite race.  Let's hope Brian and Kevin will be sporting a PSU Track alumni singlet. Mark will be a Junior at PSU in the Fall.

My only question is, "Which is the Meathead and which is the Dingbat?"

 Here's a recent photo of the three during an interval workout in preparation for the race.

Addendum:  Brian for the win!  Rocking the PSU Track Alumni singlet!!!


  1. and how well will the Baskwill clan be represented?

  2. We're in training for the Zombie 5K. Lots of movies and occasional running. Besides, I was never good at the mile!

  3. Running? What's running? I pick sings up and srow zem around!

  4. Brian takes it in 3:48.66!!! well, actually about 30 seconds slower than that.

    Video of the finish here with two PSU Alumni singlets showing - http://www.facebook.com/pages/Millers-Mutual-Harrisburg-Mile/194095223976122



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