Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Big News and a Giant Thank You to Everyone Involved

A toast to everyone involved in the 10th Annual Coach Harry Groves Golf Tournament and Reunion.  Many people contribute to the effort, both large and small. (I mean contributions, not skinny vs. hammer throwers!)  Thanks to everyone who attends, to those who contribute and to those who work hard to keep the effort alive. We are slowly gaining momentum.  I personally have no doubt we will reach any goal we set.

Although the final number is not yet available (there is more to come!) a record $7100 has been donated to the PSU Track Scholarships due to all of our efforts. Remember, both Founder Clark Haley and Keeper of the Cup Harry Smith have always insisted that every penny collected (after our modest expenses are paid) be donated to the Scholarship Funds. That principle applies to every penny I collect through donations to the blog as well.  No one benefits financially from any of our efforts, unless someone wins the hole-in-one contest!  A fully endowed scholarship is certainly not an easy thing to do in today's world, but we are on our way.  With a self-sufficient Track and XC Program, there will be no way to stop us!  David can slay Goliath, and every little pebble can be the winning piece.


  1. Dave - many thanks to you for your constant efforts to keep us apprised of the sublime and the ridiculous!! Great job on this years outing. LTM

  2. I appreciate the praise, but Clark Haley and Harry Smith deserve the bulk of it. I am merely the mono-speaker in the old-school AM radio that is my blog! (Now in the top 100 web sites in Central PA!)

  3. And Ridiculous is my other middle name. My mind is a mine field of useless, usually somewhat accurate facts. The internet can certainly exploit that to no end. (Did you know that the top 3% of wage earners pay the same amount of income taxes as the other 97%... Stuff like that. I'm too lazy to check up on that one even, it will just make me angry.)


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