Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Higgs is Just Taunting Us Now: Physics Update

After excluding numerous hiding places for the Higgs Boson, otherwise known as the "god particle" the Tevatron in Illinois and the CERN facility in Switzerland have turned to the last few remaining hiding places.  The search has discovered two "bumps" in the data, from two different teams, which may mean the elusive particle that gives mass to the entire Universe has been found.  This would fundamentally transform our understanding of the Universe and mean the funding for Physics research would change dramatically.  Geeks everywhere are atwitter for final news!

In other news, our Tevatron link and potential Group co-Physicist Ron Moore will be moving to Beantown in the coming months, as the Tevatron begins scaling down operations.  We wish Ron well and realize that we have a better chance of coaxing him to our reunion now that he will be in the same time zone!

In the bad news category, Hong Kong scientists have determined that time travel is impossible. At least we won't have to see a 4th (or is it 5th?) Back to the Future!

And on the (Anthropogenic) Global Warming Front, The CERN facility has gagged its scientists from interpreting the results of a large study that seems to show that the Sun may actually be involved in the warming everyone is so worried about.  (I won't say "I told you so" until I'm on my death-bed however!)  Mr. Gore may be apoplectic.

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