Saturday, August 27, 2011

Bridget Franek Places 7th in Heat of SC at World Championships

Bridget Franek ended her first year as a professional running for Nike with a 7th place finish in the first heat of the 3000 M Steeplechase at the World Championships in Daegu, South Korea.  Bridget finished with a 9:43.09.  She just missed making the mark to move on to the second round.  Knowing Bridget the little bit that I do, makes me sure she'll use this to her advantage for next year's campaign!

* Photos are from Paul Merca and tracktownphotos.


  1. Take note of the orange spikes... Mark made these world famous during the indoor season; now everyone needs a pair. glf

  2. Mark definitely started a trend, didn't he?

  3. Nike is now calling that shoe the "Hawk"!! LTM

  4. My feet hurt just looking at them! Pretty cool that "The Hawk" can still wear such things. Looking forward to a scare of 5:00 for this year's mile! Not to put pressure on him or anything.


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