Tuesday, August 23, 2011

PSU Track Alumni Blogs Everywhere!

It seems blogging has emerged from parent's basements everywhere and is no longer the sole home of nerds like me anymore.  I would like to think this humble blog had something to do with it, but that would be presumptuous of me. Several PSU Track Alums are blogging their exploits and even some inanities like me!  None offer any insights into the world of physics, however.  And none have a store with underwear with Coach Groves' image on them.  I've got that going for me. Here's a recent compilation of a few of them:

Let me know of any others.  My staff of fact checkers and editors can hardly keep up.

AND!!!  New items added to the Group Store, including an exclusive"PSU is 800 U" drinking glass with the iconic image designed by the PSU 1980 Olympic Team member, Greg Fredericks.  (Well, retired folks have to have something to do!)  Just kidding Greg.

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