Monday, August 1, 2011

PSU Track Student/Athletes Excel

We always try to accentuate off-the-field excellence here at The Blog, and there is no better chance than with the past academic year.  Jess Riden brings us the news of the current crop of student/athlete's achievements.
  • 51 Track athletes had GPA's higher than 3.0
  • Both the Men's and Women's Teams had overall GPA's above 3.0
  • 6 athletes had GPA's of 4.0  ( Megan Boyer, Candace Carson, Markea Dickinson, Kalin Fisher, Chris Cipro, Blake Eaton)
*Photos not representative of any current PSU student/athlete.  Glasses optional. Pocket protector required.


  1. 51 Track athletes had GPA's higher than 3.0. Dave, how did the field guys do? Just letting you know I read this stuff.

  2. I always forget the Field Guys! (and Women!!) Just digging the hole deeper and deeper...


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