Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Worst Movie Ever Made

My choice for the worst movie ever made has been 1492:Conquest of Paradise.  As with most things I have an opinion on, most people vehemently disagree.  But any movie that has a Frenchman playing a Corsican living in Italy, who sails from Spain while speaking English gets my nod.  Gerard Depardieu's recent "airline mishap" only reaffirms my opinion of him.  Queen Isabella was played by Sigourney Weaver (!!) and King Ferdinand was bumbled by Tom Selleck (!!!).  The dialog was so bad I almost had to get up and leave the theatre, which I've only done once in my life (Looking for Mr. Goodbar).  Instead I stayed and laughed out loud (LOL'ed for the younger among my tens of readers) throughout the debacle.  My wife and sister can verify this, but they hated the movie as much as I did.  The film attains a Rotten Tomato rating of 47%, but then again, film critics are idiots!

Several others wrote in with their own choices, including Caddyshack II , and An Inconvenient Truth. Since Al Gore's movie landed him an Oscar, and the Rotten Tomato score is 93%, I'll abstain from commenting further.  You all know I keep my politics oblique here!  (hee hee hee)  But Larry Mangan again gets the award here for pointing us to Caddyshack 2 (which I've never seen).  The Rotten Tomato score of  8% isn't the lowest score of films I've seen, but it is close.  Larry has implored me to avoid renting it to check it out. I happen to adore "bad" movies. ( I love Adam Sandler...)


  1. Movies with worse Rotten Tomato ratings than Caddyshack II I have seen in the theatre include:

    1. Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector (7)
    2. Corky Romano (6)
    3. Christmas with the Kranks (5)
    4. The Whole Ten Yards (4)
    5. The Master of Disguise (2)
    6. Witless Protection (with Larry the Cable Guy) (0)
    7. Strange Wilderness (0)

  2. I've seen a couple of those wretched films you listed, but I still vote for Caddyshack 2 as worst ever - Robert Stack, Jackie Mason, Dina Merrill....ugh....that and Ackroyd must have seriously need the money to do that movie...LTM

  3. They sued Dangerfield for reneging on his commitment, which he used in his comedy stand-up routine for years.


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