Thursday, September 29, 2011

10 Questions: Tyler McCandless

1. What song immediately brings back memories of Penn State?
There are two songs.  One of my first memories with Tim Johnson, Dennis Pollow, and John Mahoney was driving back from workouts in Tim's car and I'd always play the song by Kid Rock, "Bawitdaba" ( I'm sure we were all sick of the song but it brings back good memories.  The second song is by Kevin Rudolf, "I Made It" (  I listened to this song on warm-up and cool-down at the NCAA Championships after earning All-American in the 10,000m.The lyrics "I used to dream about, the life I'm living now, I know that there's no doubt, I made it, I made it." resonated in me how I spent years dreaming of becoming an All-American and never giving up that goal.  Achieving it in the amazing Penn State program with Coach Sullivan was very special and I'll always remember the journey, which the song really describes!

2. What was your favorite PSU Class? 
My favorite class was probably a TV Meteorology class I took as a fifth year senior. It was only one credit but we spent an hour each week in front of the green screen.  It led to a weekly job on PCN as a weather recapper for the show Weather World. Here was one of my last episodes...

3. What was your best PSU Track or XC Performance? 
That's a really tough question.  My 5th year of track I had a string of great 10ks - Stanford, Big 10s, NCAA 1st Round, NCAA Championships.  I'd say that probably the Stanford 10,000m was my best performance.  I planned to stay in the pack and get pulled to a fast time, but the pace slowed down so I took charge a little past half-way.  After leading over a mile I was passed with 1k to go.  I made another strong move with 500 to go and held the lead until the last 200.  It was one of those races that I just felt like I was in the zone and competing the whole time.  That race put me #6 All-Time at PSU, which I feel is an even greater honor than earning All-American because of the rich tradition in distance running Penn State has had for many decades.

4. What is your best Coach Groves memory?
My favorite Coach Groves memory was after college.  I was doing a session of 400m repeats solo on the track.  He sees me do a couple reps and comes over and says, "Hey.  After watching you clearly need to take ballet lessons.  Who knows if it'll make you a better runner, but it can't hurt trying to pick up chicks!!!!"  I've heard that he's said this to numerous people before and after me, but I'll never forget the way he said it with such sincerity.

5. What is your best Coach Alford-Sullivan memory?
There's a lot of special moments with Coach Sullivan.  When we earned the trip to the 2008 NCAA Championships in cross country that was an unbelievable moment in time.  The passion the 7 seniors on that team had, as well as Kyle Dawson and Vince McNally was un-rivaled. It was satisfying because Penn State had not been to the national championships in 13 years and Coach Sullivan really wanted to get us to Terra Haute.  The second moment was after the NCAA 1st Round in Greensboro, North Carolina.  The temperatures were well into the 80s with nearly 100% humidity.  I had to finish in the top 12 to make the NCAA Championships.  I felt awful early in the race, but came out of it around 5k and put myself in the top 12.  With a mile to go the lead pack was down to 11 and I heard a coach say, "stay on your feet and you get to Eugene." Coach Sullivan had told me to keep thinking of Eugene going into the race.  One goal and a one track mind.  I finished 5th comfortably, jogged over to Coach Sullivan and gave her a terribly sweaty hug and said, "one more to All-American."  It was special because I was absolutely on a mission that year and that was the moment that really made it happen. 

6. What was your least favorite workout? 
Very tough question because I generally like hard workouts.  However, I pretty much despise running V02 max intervals.  Getting on the indoor track and ripping out repeat 800s was never my favorite.  My least favorite day was when I told Coach it was going to be pouring rain and 35F at noon and we should have morning practice for long run.  She didn't believe the weatherman and had 2pm practice.  Pouring rain and 36F greeted us for a 15 mile long run.  I was frustrated and went out the door rolling.  Vince McNally and I were clipping off 6:00 miles from the start.  Our only conversation was what we had for breakfast and Vince informed me had only had peanut butter...which he ate out of the jar with a spoon.  Coach probably doesn't know we crushed the long run...unless she reads this!

7. What is your most embarrassing moment while attending Penn State? 
Most embarrassing moment would probably be actually after leaving Penn State.  This past summer I came back to PA and did two races in New York.  I flew into PA and my parents let me borrow a car, which I drove to Penn State.  I was staying in the dorms during the Penn State Track and Field High School Camp and went to drive my car on the 2nd to last day at 9pm and couldn't find the keys.  Absolutely no idea where they got to.  My parents had to drive half-way out to Penn State and Kara Milhouse let me borrow her car to drive halfway in the early morning hours to get the keys so I could drive to my race the following day.  I called it "pulling a Mahoney" because Mahoney would forget anything it was possible to lose.  Quite embarrassing to lose your parent's car keys at college though!

8. If you were going to massively cheat on your diet, what food would you choose?
Does beer count as a food?  If so it would probably be the Apricot Wheat at Otto's Pub and Brewery.  If beer doesn't count, then dark chocolate covered almonds would probably be it.

9. Has the transition to Colorado been as easy as you seem to have made it?
Yeah, it's been relatively easy for me. I've struggled initially with a new coach but have found that my coach Brad Hudson and I really work together. Fellow Penn State alum James Carney took me under his wings when I first moved out and really helped the transition.  I also adapted well to the altitude and workouts progressed better than expected.  I really enjoy road racing and it's a ton of fun, which makes competing much easier when you really love what you do.

10. Any chance of seeing you golf at next year’s Reunion?
I'd really love to.  If it's possible in my racing schedule I'd love to come to the Reunion.  I miss Penn State a lot because I had the best four years there and met so many great Penn Staters.

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