Monday, October 3, 2011

Coffee and Snow*

We got a pretty good response to the poll question about the nationwide price of a cup of coffee and I wanted to follow up with it.  Those who value documentation will again be angry with me because I failed to remember the source of the information, but the average price is $1.62.  I've never been a big coffee drinker although I do enjoy it when I have a cup.  For year's now I have tried to limit myself to one cup of coffee per week, but that has nearly doubled in the past year.  I will put another coffee poll up now with the question, "How many cups of coffee do you have in a normal day?"  Could prove interesting...

And my patients this AM are all abuzz about the fact that State College got a measurable amount of snow yesterday*, although I haven't heard anyone from Happy Valley complaining about it.  The earliest I remember it snowing was when I was a Freshman in 1977.  On October 12, I went outside for my 6:00 AM run (I really did, Coach!) then slipped and fell on the 4 inches of white stuff on the ground.  My very first injury while at PSU.  Oh, the memories...

* Confidential sources in University Park do not confirm frozen precipitation in the past day, although mountain cabin owners confirm snow in the surrounding mountains. No injuries are yet documented.

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