Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Just Like Old Times

My aversion to actually attending a PSU Football game led me to miss a great mini-reunion of some of my best friends and PSU Track Alumni Golfers.  Rarely seen Don Ziter even traveled from either Boston of Florida to attend the festivities.  Mark Hawkins, Larry Mangan. Steve Balkey, Jeff King, (current PSU trackster) Olivia Mangan and Nick K. all braved the gorgeous weather for a few runs and a tailgate before the Iowa football game. They apparently even made a foray up Four Hills at the end of a run, which must have been a thrill for everyone.  I'm pretty sure it's also illegal now, but maybe I'm mistaken.

Some of them even braved the ancient cavern known as Rec Hall for a shower prior to the tailgate.  The same showers that were the scene of a certain brave future Best Man's hour-long shower while seated in a folding chair after a particularly difficult work-out.  The best water pressure in the world was counterbalanced by the need for immediate action if anyone flushed the toilets nearby.  Most everyone ever using the facility knows what I'm talking about. I'm still healing some of the burns.

Here's some poor quality video of the showers at Rec Hall, demonstrating the amazing water pressure that was so welcome after work-outs and mountain runs.

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