Sunday, October 30, 2011

"The Streak" Threatened by Freak Storm

The overly happy weathermen on the tube make me sick.  They are all so happy that they have a "record" storm to talk about.  Problem is, they are all coming to my neighborhood to record their gleeful taped segments.  Wet snow brought down many brittle old Sycamore trees and their adjacent electric lines.  The power is still out 24 hours later. Authorities say it could be days...

"The Streak" wasn't really in jeapardy, as I would have slogged a mile through the slush if I had to.  Instead I checked into a Hampton Inn (Official Hotel of PSU Track Alumni Golf!) around the corner and did my usual 3 miles on the treadmill and 4 on the elliptical.  Couldn't watch the Nits' game though as the Dish Network wasn't working either.  I'm just about set to do it again, maybe I can watch an NFL game this time.

The cool thing was the appearance of the Oscar Mayer Weinermobile in our hotel parking lot this AM.  It was here to appear in the now cancelled Halloween Parade in York.  I'll bring a few pics when I figure out how to make them appear in my HP Touchpad's browser???

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