Saturday, October 22, 2011

You Can't Run From the Law!

Sydney Maree certainly has led an exciting life.  It would be great to talk to him, but his family doesn't know where he is!  Actually they know he's in prison in South Africa, just not which prison.  The story is long and complicated, and I would like to think he is there mostly for being quite naive. The alternative seems unlikely, but the authorities in South Africa definitely think otherwise.

I first met Sydney at a road race in Lancaster when he was touring the US looking for a college to attend.  He dominated the rest of us at the 5-Mile Red Rose Run the summer before I  matriculated at Dear Ole State. (My 24:41 is still my PR, and I'm not threatening that in this lifetime!)  Rumors were already in the air then that Jumbo Elliott had his eye on him.  I didn't even know who Jumbo was at the time.  The rest, they say, is History.  Stellar college career, 1500 M World Record, American citizenship, Olympic success...

Then he inexplicably renounced his American citizenship, moved back to South Africa and started his second career as a respected economist.  When several hundred thousands of government dollars were discovered in his personal account, his goose was cooked.

The prisons in South Africa are notoriously horrible.  Think Papillon in French Guiana or Frank Abignale in France (Catch Me if You Can).  I look forward to hearing his version of the story when he is released.

The photos show Sydney after winning the Fifth Avenue Mile in a still record  3:47:52 and in a Cross Country Race on the Blue Course in 1978.  That's Alan Scharsu, Bruce Baden, John Ziegler, Bob Snyder and Mike Wyatt mixing it up with Amos Korir, Sydney Maree and George Buckheit.  Although I'm sure Larry Mangan was just outside the camera's gaze* in this one, he did alert me to this story, and I thank him for that.  His contributions to the blog, although still not direct, are appreciated beyond belief.  Anyone can send me interesting stories, photos, videos and inanities at any time!

*My mistake!  That's Larry right there in the pic next to Mike Wyatt.  But where is Tom Rapp? Possibly next to Larry? (I was indeed much further back than the camera's gaze.)


  1. I'm there, slightly left of Mike Wyatt and just above Ziggy's shoulder. This was either at Paul Short or the District II meet (likely the latter since the leaves are all gone). LTM

  2. I amended the post even before your comment as I had to wear my glasses to see everything correctly. Is that Tom Rapp barely visible in the scene next to you and Mike?

  3. Yes, that's Tom obscured behind Mike....we had our Top 7 in the top ten in most meets that year except NCAAs and Central Collegiates. LTM

  4. Alas, I was forever flirting with that "top 10" thing. Only top 7 twice Freshman year, (when Snid was injured!) I suppose I wasn't in this race then. Another memory dashed!

    That was sure one heck of a group in which to try to crack the top 10. It was an honor to grab a jock out of the same bin as you guys! (And that was literally a bin of jocks you younger guys.)


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