Monday, November 14, 2011

Double the Mirth and More Streaking!

I'm getting back on track after a rough week. (and I mean mine not PSU's)!  With my commitment to the future of Penn State Track questioned, criticized and impugned by some I know and anonymous miscreants besides, I had a lot of time to think.  I had no computer at home and at work due to the "storm of the century" at Halloween.  I may never recover some of my stuff, but what the heck, starting over has its benefits.  (That's a reference to my situation and PSU's for those not keeping up!)  Now that I have digital access again, I have decided to double my efforts, as I know they are meaningful and more important than ever.  Those who have left the fold over issues none of us had anything to do with are welcome back at any time.  Now is the time to start contributing to our mission, with words or funds or any way you can.

My streak continues, against many odds.  This weekend I felt like the lonely deer in Valley Forge  Park.  Last year I had 1,500 friends and now only 150 to 250.  But I still managed to shuffle a 3 1/2 mile loop under 11:00 minutes/mile past the deerless monuments, asbestos dump and future casino.  I'm debating whether to turn in my streak to the American Running Streak Association or not.  Vote in the poll to help me make my decision.  It would make me a novice, and no where near the accomplishment of this guy!


  1. I love reading this blog!

    - Anonymous Miscreant, Class of 2011

  2. I'll second that motion!! Public Miscreant, Class of 1981. LTM

  3. Thanks for the support. Good things are ahead for the PSU Track and XC Programs. There has never been a better chance for any of us to make a difference.

  4. It has been a tough week in the Penn State community. Remember the vigil not the violence that is the Penn State we know in our hearts. glf


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