Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I'm Back Into the Top Echelon of American Runners!

Not really.  But kinda, sorta.  When I realized I could no longer run fast and my knees wouldn't allow me to run far, I had to come up with something to keep me going.  Streaking became my "thing".  I would follow the example of Ron Hill, veteran marathoner and streaker-extraordinaire.  Ron even ran just before midnight following knee surgery that very same day.  I think his streak is still going and has been through many more significant things than just knee surgery.  Traffic accidents with leg fractures, illness, family deaths and even more has not ended his quest for "just one more day". Then I found that like-minded, crazy men had already started a group in 2000 that catered to fools like me.  I started my streak 6 days after the last of my 3 knee surgeries and haven't looked back.

I turned my lowly streak into the United States Running Streak Association this week. If the application is accepted and certified, I will be #191 on the Active List.  I haven't been in the top 200 runners in any category since my 24-Hour Relay (17-year-old )world record of 4:53/mile for 27 miles  in 1977, (which was eclipsed 6 days later by future Nittany Lion roommate Alan Scharsu!). And that was the hardest single running event I ever participated in.  I recommend it to no one.

So onward I slog (10 or 11 minutes/mile!), step by step, inch by inch, not having any clue where it will take me....  



  1. Had a beer with Ron Hill following the
    Maryland Marathon, 30+ years ago.
    To the best of my knowledge, he has
    run every day since. Do I get at the
    minimum, partial credit?

  2. Yes, I will credit you 5 days to be added to your streak. No exchanges or cash equivalence.

    I was there too! I remember the tables set up in the high school. Ron was boasting how he had downed 4 National Bohemians before winner Bill Rogers could down 1 Miller Lite! I also remember how big Ron's chest was. All lungs and legs, a rather good engine for marathoning. This barely 17 year-old could only drink my ERG and dream.


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