Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Lightest of Touches

My editorial powers at the blog are with the lightest of touches.  Comments, of course, are always encouraged, but the past has demonstrated that a modicum of restraint is sometimes needed.

First off, advertising and spam are not permitted.  Those who have never done this would be amazed how much spam from nefarious places floods into even a humble blog like this.  I wish I had saved some of it to demonstrate.  Needless to say, I have apparently 178 Ethiopian relatives who wish to give me money, and I have won lotteries in 34 different nations.

Second, offensive material and links to offensive material (as deemed by your benevolent dictator) are not permitted.  This also apparently disqualifies 1/3 of the internet, but so be it.

And last, profanity is not permitted.  I have included many comments in the past excluding the profanity with the author's (if known) permission.

The light touch I use has been noted by some I trust, to be a confirmation of my spirit of freedom of speech.  This means I have included many off-topic comments and plenty of gibberish also.  Either way, I'm proud of what we have accomplished with our blog. Comment away!


  1. Please, after all. Once in awhile you'll smell the color.

  2. Dave - you have done an excellent job of bringing T&F alums back together! Keep up the good work. I do have to admit it never occurred to me that a blog centering on track, golf, physics, blue wrist bands and Mike Cook running 10Ks (and the occasional right wing punditry) would serve as a focal point for all of us! :) LTM

  3. Thanks. I never imagined any of it either! I felt strongly back in 2008 that our group had to continue, as what Clark Haley had started to honor Coach Groves was a worthwhile thing. It is now, with the recent events, probably more important than ever. And don't forget the glow-in-the-dark wrist bands either! And several surveys point to the fact that I'm a fiscal conservative BUT a center/moderate on social issues, just to set the record straight!

  4. No comment because after deferring my entry registration due to multiple hamstring, calf, and glut-adhesion tears I'm still recovering mentally from accidentally running, on an average of ONLY THREE MILES TRAINING PER WEEK for the preceding 16 weeks, the entire Marine Corps Marathon plus two to four miles more "during" the race while hopelessly attempting to herd and corral my two apparently brain-dead pupils who separated after only two miles.
    I've read every blog posting including prior to my March 2009 discovery of the site, but I assume most of my comments must be deemed spam. KKOB

  5. I know of no comments that have been denied??? I think there must be lots of comments on a running injury site or something! I allow everything in except for the mentioned things??? Getting back together with guys like you is the greatest reward for the time I spend "herding cats". I appreciate every reader, commenter and "lurker" out there.


Thanks for commenting. Keep up the good work! (Try to mention others to encourage them to comment too!)