Tuesday, November 1, 2011

"Oh, the Humanity", Blog Central Goes Down

Electricity is back!  Unfortunately, the photo represents how my computer took the whole ordeal.*  I have (hopefully) only temporarily lost a lot of material, including submissions from my vast tens of readers for new blog content.  Unlike the Hindenburg disaster, the catastrophe at my desk only took the lives of two African Dwarf Frogs, Manny and MoeJack survives in his own cubicle upstairs, which must have maintained a slightly higher temperature during the 60 hour power outage. Manny and Moe survived to the ripe old age of nearly 5, which isn't too bad for a animal the size of a penny, give or take a gangly leg or two.  RIP boys**, you will be missed.

* Blog post courtesy of a balky work computer, also staggered by the "storm of the century".

** Determining the actual sex of African Dwarf Frogs is extremely difficult.

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