Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Optimism and Pride

I'll dispense with the Pride part first.  My daughter's Cross Country team had their banquet last night and she received an award as the girl's team Most Improved Runner, which entails much more than just improving in times during the year.  In her first year of running cross country, she went from a shy, quiet girl in the second pack to a happy,  out-going girl running with the Big Dogs.  I couldn't be more proud, which is to say I have tempted someone upstairs with one of the seven deadly sins. I've also had gluttony covered for quite some time too!  I promise I will be good from here on out.

Optimism is what Coach Groves is extolling in the wake of the worst scandal in the history of sports in America, and I'm really happy to hear of it.  Director of Youth Development Artie Gilkes brings us this quote from Coach Groves:
"The thing that I love about Penn State and what kept me there all those years was something I saw right away in 1968...That is that at Penn state more than anywhere else, even in spite of some people hijacking it, the good always overcomes the bad...It may not be right away but it does and Penn State will heal."
Artie will be spearheading some new initiatives at the behest of Founder Clark Haley and Keeper of the Cup Harry Smith for the coming Reunion in May 2012.  You won't want to miss it.

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