Sunday, December 4, 2011

A Bunch of Unrelated Stuff in Physics Before Indoor Track Gets Started

  1. Neutrinos may or may not travel faster than the speed of light.  And either way, Albert Einstein probably wouldn't lose any sleep even if they do, despite invalidating much of his Theory of Relativity. I'm pretty sure he'd relish the challenge of explaining it further.
  2. The Higg's Boson, aka "the god particle" may or may not exist.  We'll likely find out this year as the CERN Super-collider ramps up further.
  3. Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming may or may not exist, but scientists "promoting" it have been acting very, very badly.  (Including PSU's own Michael Mann!)  Sharing data and keeping it archived is one of the first things I learned at PSU.  I still have the data I meticulously acquired studying the behavior of parasitic wasps on their caterpillar hosts.  This was done for hours at a time staring into a microscope at the fruit-fly sized wasps. As with most of science, the data came to nothing, as we were looking for behavioral mutations when the wasps were exposed to diesel exhaust and never identified any that I know of.  I suppose I could have faked it and asked for trillions of dollars like the "Warmists", but I never did.
  4. Even YOU should be able to understand Quantum Physics!
  5. And if you can't, it still is cool to watch this levitation video!

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