Friday, December 30, 2011

I'm on Vacation!

This is the first time I've had off for more than a week in more than a decade.  And I plan on doing a lot while I'm off.
  1. Nap.  You know, the three letter word that always ends with a pee!
  2. Eat.  (See photo for documentation.) I'm rather good at this.*
  3. Run. Twice daily when on vacation!
  4. Did I mention nap?
  5. I may even blog if it doesn't interfere with the naps and meals!
My wife will be attempting her third Goofy Challenge in a row.  The Goofy is Disney's way of torturing people while they are in the "funnest place on earth".  The Goofy is a Half-Marathon on Saturday and the full Marathon on Sunday.  Both of these require waking at 3:00AM to make sure you are at the start in time.  Two years ago she had a broken rib and managed to finish in freezing temperatures anyway.  This year she has a torn meniscus and is trying to finish in the top half of overall marathoners including the men. I don't know how she does it!

*That isn't really me.  It's one of the protesters at the Wisconsin Capital during the protests against cessation of collective bargaining of benefits for State Employee's Unions.


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