Friday, December 2, 2011

The "Way Back Machine"

Not far enough back that my kids would say "That was before they invented color!" but far enough back to make for a great "Can you name everyone?"

Submit comments to identify everyone you know.

Those vintage Keyrolan sweats were made in clothing mills in Bangor and PenArgyl, PA back in the late 70's and early 80's.  They sure were sweet!


  1. Of course I can as this was WAY BACK in my era!

  2. Those girls sure are pretty.

  3. Looks like a contingent of State College High folks who matriculated all the way to University Park!! Black, Moore, Hudson and Kello to name four. I'd like Nick to share his secret elixir - he looks exactly the same now as he did then (deal with the Devil???..he did work on Wall St.)!! LTM

  4. This looks like a majority collection of former Lions! Here's my guesses -- L to R: Dan Draper, ?, ?, Gary B., Randy M., Paul B., Tom Shiffer, some Spalvins, Meredith W., Nick K., ?, ?, another Spalvins. Down front: Lynn Strauss and Bob Hudson.

    Please let me know the answers, mighty Back When Blogmaster!

  5. I think all the guesses so far are correct, but what do I know?

  6. Tracy Spalvins and Anda Spalvins

  7. That photo you have with Lynn Strause in front in red was a photo taken my last cross country year. It includes all the members of the Penn State cross country/track team who were State High alums, plus a few hangers on like Johnny Evans etc. I believe there were 10 of us in that photo from State High who were on the team at the same time. Probably the largest contingent from a single high school on a division one varsity distance team in, like, well, ever?

  8. And just to name them, in case that is what people want to know:

    From L to R, back row

    Dan Draper, John Evans, Paul Mackley, Gary Black, Randy Moore, Paul Brode, Tom Shiffer, Anda Spalvins (I think), Meredith White, I think this is Steve Deteurk’s sister (first name escapes me, it’s been way too long), don’t recognize this person, Tracy Spalvins,

    In front, Lynn Straus and Bob Hudson.

    Not all SC alums were in this photo, because I believe Steve Deteurk was on the team at this time as well.

    I’m pretty sure I got at least one name right, anyway. Helps that I’m in the photo.


Thanks for commenting. Keep up the good work! (Try to mention others to encourage them to comment too!)