Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Hawk Set to Soar (Not Sore!)

Mark "The Hawk" Hawkins is set to toe the line at the Horace Ashenfelter III Indoor Complex early Friday evening in his quest to better his "over 50" personal best of 5:25 in the mile.  A new pair of orange spikes and his Alumni Singlet will compliment his improved condition and make for a great race.  I personally won't arrive in time for his race (Work is a four-letter word ending in "K"!), but I encourage anyone out there to cheer him on.  If only John (JB) Barber could be there to call out the splits!

As an intellectual exercise, can anyone identify the type of hawk pictured?


  1. The rumor mill from Belpre, OH is buzzing with word the Spikes L'Orange will not make the trip. However, the Belpre Hawk will be shod in other colorful racing spikes on his journey to sub-5!!

    The Cooper Hawk, on the other hand, will just be looking for carrion left in the wake of these fast milers.

  2. I make a motion that GLF come out of retirement and take down that age 62 mile new record. Do I have a second?


  3. It is a Cooper's Hawk, certainly almost as magnificent a creature as a Nittany Lion!

  4. I will second the motion and even spring for a proper Track Alumni Singlet! (Now the hard part of telling Greg.)

  5. Time has always been the enemy of runners, sprinters or distance runners. For greg the days of chasing the clock are over... BUT I will definitely be at the track Friday night with our alum brothers and sisters to cheer on Mark! glf

  6. I will defer to PSU's and Wilson West Lawn's greatest runner (ever) and respect his well earned retirement!!

    However, I'll bet a handsome sum that he is the one man who could challenge that 4:50 mark. God handed out a limited number of perfect strides and GLF was one of those recipients.

    I can vouch for that because I struggled mightly behind that stride on many 400 repeats!

  7. Thanks for the kind remark LTM.
    Now let see PSU kick some rusty boots and bare....


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