Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I'm Back

 Don't you just Hate those stickers on cars advertising that someone has actually run a marathon, or even a half-marathon now?  Well, I saw this one at the Disney Running Expo and had to buy it for my wife. That's the Disney Goofy sticker which is becoming more and more popular.  (There are 158 people who have run all 7 of them, known as Perfect Goofy's)

My reward for being so nice was to be immediately plowed into from behind by a texting ex-Disney Cast Member on the way back to our room!  That makes it twice being hit from behind  by someone who found it more important to ask a friend "What U Doing?" than the lives of everyone around her!  Don't Text and Drive! A public service announcement from your humble blog.  My life apparently may depend on it.

Here's this year's version of the Half-Marathon, Marathon and Goofy Challenge medals,which thousands of runners parade around the Parks with after the event.  What a pitiful, shuffling, limping mass of humanity it is!

I'll be back bringing you real posts soon.  I need to recover from the 16 hour drive first.

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