Sunday, January 22, 2012

RIP Coach Paterno

Joe Paterno was a smart enough man that he realized several months into his stint as Athletic Director in 1981, that he knew to get out as soon as possible.  I was one of the few beneficiaries of the deal, as I received two copies of my Athletic Letter in 1981 because of it.  I kept this one, as seeing the signatures of Coach Paterno and Coach Groves on the same piece of paper (or is it lamb-skin?) only happened a few times in the History of the Earth.  Apparently, JoePa got on Coach Groves' naughty list in  Coach Groves' very first year.  The story, as told to me by Coach Groves himself, is that Paterno "borrowed" a film projector from the newbie Track Coach and never bothered to return it. So much for that!

My interactions with Coach Paterno over the years have always been good.  I've run into him many, many times, with never a bad moment happening.  He used to walk to work every day past North Halls and I often saw him during my morning runs.  Yes Coach, I swear I ran them, at least the first 3 years!  I also ran into him on the golf course and the park next to his home several times when I stayed in State College over the summer before my Senior year to "train like an animal".  (Unfortunately, the animal turned out to be a two-toed tree sloth, but that's a story for another day.)

I also saw him at various chariity events over the years.  but the very best and most memorable time was at the intersection next to the Old Creamery following a football game in the 90's.  After the victory, the crowd pours out from the stadium and trudges toward campus, with many, many people heading straight to the Creamery.  On this day, I had just arrived at the intersection when a pick-up truck driven by an obscure offensive lineman coach, pulled up and dropped off its hitchhiker from the truck bed.  Out jumps JoePa, who then sauntered toward home to get ready for dinner.  Almost no one other than me saw him walk off, just minutes after the game.  I couldn't believe it.


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