Monday, January 16, 2012

Smarter and Faster (PSU is 800 U)

The Faster is, of course, Robbie Creese, with the eye-opening 1,000 M debut at the Horace Ashenfelter III Indoor Complex this past weekend.  Here's the whole race for those skeptics out there who insist it wasn't legitimate!

The Smarter may be all of us soon!  Maybe I'll finally be able to successfully program my TV remote!

And it is said that Richard Feynman's IQ was tested at 125, which is above average but slightly lower than even your humble Blog Host.  Yet it is also true that Richard tested far beyond anyone ever taking a standard mathematics exam.  His lack of communication skill  kept him from becoming a member of Mensa!  This, of course, means IQ tests are meaningless.  Check out this video of Feynman's true intellect and see if you can follow it. I know I barely get most of it.

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