Saturday, March 3, 2012

Le Faucon D'Orange Wins Division at Gasparilla Distance Classic!

* Addendum:  The initial "Official" Results I depended on from Gasparilla were in error.  The Orange Hawk's accomplishment is only slightly diminished, however.  Check the comments for updated results.  I'll let the rest of the post stand.

In a stunning development, Penn State Track and Field Alumni Golfer and recent Singlet Facilitator  Mark Hawkins has won his age division at the 2012 Gasparilla Distance Classic.  His time in the 15 K event was a remarkable 55:51.87!  Also making his comeback official, Jeff Sanden ran a spirited 1:08:16.81 Don Ziter was also spotted in his brand new Alumni Singlet but results are down at the moment. They have promised photos of the festivities and I'll hold them to it.

My admiration and congratulations eclipse my overall jealousy at their feat.  Those younger than us will realize the remarkable nature of their performances soon enough.  In other news, Florida is trying to recover from the influx of early PSU old-timer Spring Breakers.  they still know how to party, I hear.

In further news from halfway across the globe, Ryan Foster was seventh in the 1500 M at the Melbourne Track Classic in  3:45.89. He soon heads to the IAAF Indoor World Championships in Istanbul.  Good luck Ryan.


  1. I heard one of them ordered a Jack and Pepto!!

  2. Props to my old roomie Hawk. 15K (9 miles, 564 yards)in 59:40 which is roughly 6 minute mile pace!!!

    Overall Place 53 / 4920
    Gender Place 48 / 2370
    Division Place 3 / 273
    Age Grade 80.4%

    Of course, we have to subtract some HRG points for the 5 place gender differential - but who's counting! Haha.

    Way to go buddy! LTM

  3. Additional kudos to Don Ziter in the 5K! 20:46

    Overall Place 105 / 11916
    Gender Place 86 / 4855
    Division Place 6 / 434
    Age Grade 72.2%

  4. Last but not least, representing Central PA, Jeff Sanden... 15K

    Chip Time 01:08:09
    Overall Place 201 / 4920
    Gender Place 164 / 2370
    Division Place 14 / 273
    Age Grade 69.2%

    I think all of these guys should be drug tested! If they don't have any in their systems now, we will have to forcibly deliver them in May!!!


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