Monday, April 30, 2012

"The Check Is In The Mail"

The true way to know you are dealing with a die-hard Penn State Track and Field Alumni Golfer (and now Reunion Goer!)is to hear them say that distinctive phrase.  The "confirmed" list is just a small fraction of those who are going to be at the hootenanny on May 18 and May 19.  In an effort to give Group Idiot Officers and now Track Program Organizers heart attacks, attendees wait to send in their money in an effort to make sure they receive the 0.000006% interest they are entitled to in their checking accounts.

In reality, the attendance will be great, and from 8 decades worth of PSU Track History.  I'm not making that up.  It has never happened before.  I'm hoping to get reminisces from everybody on video during the reunion and other activities.

Don't miss out.  There are only a few days left to get your RSVP in.  The reality of an actual deadline is new to our event.

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