Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I'm so old that...

  1. I never ran a 1600M or 3200M in a high school race.  Or any since.
  2. Running watches weren't invented when I started. I timed many runs by the clock in our kitchen.
  3. Gore-Tex was not invented when I started running.
  4. Gatorade had one flavor when I started running.
  5. My first cross country running shoes were solid soled "El Lobos", whatever they were.  They hurt and resembled bowling shoes more than running shoes.
  6. Stopwatches had only one button when I started running.
  7. Americans were a major force in distance running when I started.
  8. Every track in York County was cinder except one (which was grass) when I started running.
  9. New Zealand Splits had not come out when I started running.
  10. Ron Hill had run every day for 11 years when I started running,(and every day since!).
  11. National Bohemian beer cans still required pointy openers when I started running.
  12. I ran three marathons before anyone offered me a drink during one.
  13. Some road races were free when I started running.
  14. The last road race I really ran was the first one I would have won money.  I turned it down.
  15. I was once followed by a goat for 3 miles and turned around to take it back, adding 6 miles to my 10 mile run.  Without a second thought.  If only... 
  16. I'm one of only 3 people who have been to every single Coach Harry Groves Golf Tournament.  Get your entry in NOW.  They seem serious about the cut-off date and Clark Haley and Harry Smith may not be able to help you when you miss it!!!


  1. Nice. You had a track?

  2. hee hee hee

    As a Freshman and Sophomore we used a track that was just dirt at the Intermediate School. They then brought the cinders from the old track at the high school over in trucks. The old track also had a 220 yard straightaway. We got a rubberized all weather track Junior year.

  3. The school with the grass track won the State Title in 1978 with just a couple of people. One was PSU standout Todd Shenk who garnered many points in the throws while another runner got points in the pole vault and both hurdle races. (I have been instructed that they also had a relay that got points that year, but I'm too lazy to look it up again!)


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