Friday, April 27, 2012

Time Is Running Out: Golf With Us

There is still time to get it together and send in your Invitation to the First Annual Penn State Track and Field Alumni Reunion and even the ultimate activity, The 11th Annual Coach Harry Groves Golf Tournament!

The Reunion will be a very fine event with activities for everyone from 1 to 99 years old.*  A reception at the Lion's Den downtown will begin the festivities on Friday May 18 at 7:00.  On Saturday Morning, enjoy a grilled stickie and coffee and maybe even take a one-lap stroll at the PSU Track at our Alumni "Run".  Those willing to do more can take off for a campus loop while those not so adventurous can hang around the track listening to tall tales of past glory from alums and maybe even Coach Groves!  special Events and Contests are planned with prizes and frivolity.  These contests have been a tightly held surprise by the Track Office.  Some may then elect to Climb Mt. Nittany, and annual event for the past 4 years, firmly planting PSU Track "on top of the world".  There are also tours of the All-Sports Museum being arranged.  Both the climb of Mt. Nittany and Museum tour will be with current student-athletes, which will give all the alums a view of the good things our group fosters. Their practice occurs right after our Alumni "Run".

The golf tournament, despite being the only way to get your name on the Coach Groves Memorial Cup, is open to everyone, and an event that every skill level from none to Tiger can participate in. The best ball/scramble format makes it the only chance I have ever had to break 100 in the most frustrating game on Earth.  Just look at the 2006 engraving to see my name displayed with all the other real golfers!  I have counted 4 non-golfers already on the Cup, and that's counting my once yearly participation in this event as being a golfer. Anyone on the fence as to whether they will golf or not can contact me and I'll have you as my cart-mate, which will make you the best golfer in your cart!  Even if you only putt, and everyone can putt, you would be a welcome addition to my cart.  Let me know.  I guarantee a good time.  If the golf doesn't do it for you, there is always the drink cart and joke telling.

This year's Award Dinner on Saturday evening will be a great affair, as my hard work for the past 4 year's has finally paid off and we have a special guest speaker other than Clark or Coach Groves!  PSU's Greatest Track Alum Horace Ashenfelter III will thrill the crowd with his appearance.  Actually, I had the idea of inviting him for 4 years, but only the Track Office, Coach Sullivan and Jess Riden could make the dream become reality.  My thanks to them for all their help in arranging the whole weekend and taking some of the heat off of Founder Clark Haley and Keeper of the Cup Harry Smith.

Representatives from 8 decades of PSU Track History, from the 40's to the 10's,  will be in attendance for the first time in history! But the most important member of the whole affair has not responded yet, and that is you.  Don't make me get the Hammer Throwers after you!


  1. I sent my check in. Haley won't be calling me Alligator Arms.
    See you all in 3 weeks.


  2. He'll call you a different name anyway!!


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