Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Barometric Pressure is Rising

Penn State has the finest School of Meteorology in the nation.  So I'm putting one of its graduates to the test this year for the forecast for the First Annual Penn State Track Alumni Reunion.  Since he couldn't make it due to the rigors of his current training, and possibly that he lives in Colorado now, Tyler McCandless has been made the Official Weather Prognosticator for our event.  He will get paid no matter how good or bad his predictions are, and that will be the same as the rest of the rabble we call our Idiot Officers.  (Pay Scale available upon request!)

So let's welcome him to our group, despite the fact that he'll be 2,000 miles away while we're thrashing about  in Happy Valley on the 19th of May.  Try not to put too much pressure on him.  I know another weather prognosticator who lashes out once yearly when asked to do the same task.  He even bit Bill Murray one time.  Bill Murray! We'll get his Official Forecast just before the Reunion weekend.

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