Saturday, May 5, 2012

Don't Forget the 1,000 Mile Relay

Four days of running should just about do it!  That is 10 guys alternating 5 miles at a time for 4 days!  And they have to average under 6 minutes/mile to beat the record they are after.

It's all to honor Kevin Dare on the 10th anniversary of his tragic accident.  The Kevin Dare Foundation will be the beneficiary of the attempt, as well as its inspiration.  The route will take the runners from the actual scene of the accident home to State College. Ryan Foster is the architect of the effort.

The runners are a who's who of recent PSU grads with a few notable additions.  PSU grad student and former Notre Dame great Luke Watson will join former Olympian Brian Sell and the PSU boys for a hundred miles in 4 days.

This will all occur on August 26th, so there is still time to donate to the cause.

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