Saturday, May 26, 2012

Fourth Place Still Impresses Coach Groves

4)     Mark Horton, Richard Gross, Omar Easy, Chris Johnson (+1)

Yeah, that's Omar Easy, former PSU star running back hobnobbing with the elite tracksters!  As a native Jamaican, I would bet Mr. Easy knows his way around a track as well as a football gridiron. The former Kansas City Chief  and Oakland Raiser can also hit a golf ball a long way!  When I say that our tournament is open to anyone, I mean it.  Welcome, Omar, I hope you return again next year.  I didn't get a chance to speak with you.

Mark Horton traveled from the friendly New Jersey suburbs of NYC and looks at home on the golf course.  I think we'll have him hooked to return every year now!

Richard Gross was a delight to speak to at the Reunion Evening on Friday night.  We talked about how much the pole vault has changed since he first used a wooden pole to jump into a sand pit back in the day.  He also heard my familiar story about not being able to carry Don Skerpon's 16-foot pole down the runway in the late 70's.  My decathlon career ended before it began.

Coach Chris Johnson is my daughter's favorite coach, ever since he taught her hurdling technique at a day camp last year.  Whenever I give her the camera to take pictures at a track meet she invariably finds him in the crowd and snaps away.  His golf game must be better than he let's on too!

And here's a Slide Show of the Event with photos from our Digital Archive goddesses Jeri Elder and Kay Warfel as well as John McGraw, my daughter and some others.


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