Wednesday, May 2, 2012

A Little Learning Never Hurt Anyone

I remember being in college after June 1 every year, but nowadays they barely make it into May.  So before everyone shuts their brain down for the Summer, here's a little tutorial on the soon-to-be-discovered Higg's Boson.  Despite it being a sub-atomic particle, its discovery will have a fundamental impact on the world we think we know.  You might as well know just a little bit about it.

And no one should forget the most important rule of The Coach Harry Groves Golf Tournament, so I'll repeat it again.
* Rule #13 -- Any disputes of the rules shall be judged by Coach Groves or a representative of the group appointed by Coach Groves. Those disputing the rules shall be belittled and impugned by the whole group and shall forfeit all rights and privileges bestowed by The Keeper of the Beer.

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