Monday, May 28, 2012

Sixth Place Leads the Second Half!

6)     Brian Fuller, Kevin Fuller, Blake Eaton, Ryan Foster (+4)

There's nothing better than trailing a colorful foursome in a best ball format tournament.  Occasionally meeting up with them on a tee when play slows ahead of them is usually a treat.  Also hearing from afar the joy of a good shot or the agony of defeat after a bad one brings a smile to my lips.  Especially when the exclamations of foul language are delivered in the "Queen's English" as Ryan Foster so aptly puts it.

The Fullers, part of the group who introduced the Alumni Singlets showed up in force, Brian Fuller and Kevin Fuller and were joined by a big-hitter in Blake Eaton.

Let's not forget, Brian and Ryan are in training for the 1,000 Mile Relay to honor Kevin Dare. 

1 comment:

  1. The foursome in front of them got to witness a couple of Happy Gilmore swings, as well!!!


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