Sunday, May 20, 2012

Things That Happened at The Track Alumni Weekend

  1. More than 40 Golfers barely trashed the Elks Club Course.
  2. More than 40 Hikers reached the top of Mt. Nittany during the golf outing.
  3. More than 40 enthusiastic attendees checked out Horace Ashenfelter's  gold medal at the sports Museum during the golf outing.
  4. More than 40 runners took a campus run during the saturday morning festivities.
  5. More than 100 people came to the Friday night reception at The Lion's Den and Saturday night's dinner at the Ashenfelter Indoor Track.
  6. Paul Mundy wore the most hideous or most glorious pants during the golf outing, depending on your state of mind.
  7. I glanced across the room during the Friday reception and saw 3 members of the 1950  NCAA Cross Country Champions talking.
  8. I met dozens of new friends, some of whom actually read this tripe on nearly a daily basis!  I express my thanks or my regrets, depending on your state of mind.
  9. Our Official Physicist Brian Boyer wore a special Richard Feynman shirt to the event just for my benefit.
  10. Director of Youth Development Artie Gilkes golfed the first round of his career with me on Saturday.  Next time out, he'll surpass my talents by leaps and bounds.
  11. My wife got a prize at the Saturday Dinner that she will keep for herself and not give to the kids for the first time I have ever seen.  The PSU Track backpack is now a prized possession in our home, with two daughters angling for the item when backs are turned.  I may take it from them all soon.
  12. Le faucon d'orange Mark Hawkins sank 2 out of three 40 foot putts to win the pre-round putting contest.  That was without any windmills or ceramic dinosaurs in the way, however.  He thus saved me $10, as I didn't need to enter.
  13. Coach Groves told me a joke with a great putting tip in it that I cannot repeat EVER.  But I will remember it forEVER.
  14. PSU Football Coach Bill O'Brien addressed the crowd before Coach Groves and Mr. Ashenfelter spoke at the Saturday Dinner.
  15. Coach Hardyk and Ryan Foster became members of our Hall of Honor.  There are others, but I'm working on that.  I messed up and alienated a few before by overlooking them.  It was never my intention, so I'll try to research things and finalize it in the next few days.  Leave it to me to create a group with qualifications I can't keep track of...
  16. That's a start, I'll keep bringing more...


  1. Great weekend of events, from start to finish!! Hats off to Clark, Harry Smith and Dave for their ongoing efforts to bring us all together. Thanks, too, to the coaches, staff and the current PSU athletes for being gracious hosts. It was great to see Coach Groves seated with such luminaries from the 50s and to hear from all-time legend Horace Ashenfelter.

    Barb, do not give up that bag!!!


  2. They are finally gone. I'm going into the closet. It's there somewhere!


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