Friday, May 4, 2012

This Year's Rules Straight From the Founder!

Final Preparations are underway, and the hard decisions have been made.  Thankfully, not by me, but by the Founder himself, Clark Haley.  Taking all factors into account, he made the tough call to continue last year's format of allowing the "extra" games and additions.  He really doesn't take this lightly and regrets that the tourney can't be a straight golf tourney. Let's all support him in this decision and have a grand ole time at this year's thrashing of the Elks Club Course!

Had a brief phone conversation last week with John Gondak (who also spoke on behalf of the NLC) about the golf outing and here's what we're planning to do this year (If you're on this distribution list and are not golfing please disregard) in hopes of optimizing donor contributions:  
     - Want to "buy" your team - $20 per head ($80 per team), if not the random draw
                     will continue to take place on Friday night (please contact John or myself
                     prior to arriving Friday night with your intentions so we can create balanced
                     teams (with A, B-D players).
     - Each team can buy four, "foot long" strings to be used on the green - cost will be
                     $10 per string
     - Each team can buy four Mulligans at $10 per Mulligan BUT the same player can not
                     use more than one Mulligan (they can be used anywhere on the course
                     and they are not team Mulligans - again, one per player)
     - Putting contest starts at 12:15 on the putting green - 3 putts, $10 (winner receives 
                     $100 gift certificate at the clubhouse - there will only be one winner, if more
                     than one person makes a putt, there will be a "putt-off" - if no one sinks it 
                     the Endowment fund wins...)
     - Chipping contest starts at 12:30 at the driving range - 3 chips, $10 (winner receives
                     $100 gift certificate at the clubhouse - there will only be one winner, if more
                     than one person chips in the beer bucket, there will be a "chip off" - if no
                     one chips it in the bucket, the Endowment fund wins - if it actually lands in
                     the bucket and bounces out, it will be considered good!
     - We will attempt a skins game (sorry Scats game to be correct, according to Black)
                     $40 per team, where if your team has the best score on a hole, you win a
                     scat (sp?-who really cares!).  At the end of the round after half of the pot is
                     donated to the fund, the remaining winnings will be divided by the number
                     of scats and distributed to the teams who actually won the scats. 
     -  "Buy up to the red tees" on hole number 5 - $40 per team
     - Skill awards (closest to the pin, Longest Drive, Longest Putt) will continue to be
                     given (at no additional charge!)
     - The "CUP" will live on, even with the asterisks....

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