Thursday, May 31, 2012

Why Javelin Throwers Aren't Killing the Steeplechasers

In the olden days, like when I could actually run, the javelin throwers were getting so good that something had to be done to prevent a catastrophe.  The throws were getting perilously close to landing on the far turn when the javelin throwing area was in the infield.  The world record throws would actually have killed a poor steeplechaser on our track, assuming the dark, cold water didn't get them first.

Here is an article on the Physics involved in the throws that answers how Officials are keeping our steeplers safe.


  1. In my case, that would be suicide.
    I am now the proud owner of a shiny neonish green and yellow 700 gram javelin for use in Masters Male 50-59 events. I'm planning to run next year my first track steeple in about 30 years. 30 years between steeple races is a bit extreme but a different extreme from HG having me run eleven in 8.5 weeks. Perhaps if they add fish to the steeple water jump pool I could have made my $10-13 per diem stretch farther. KKOB '80

  2. A steeplechaser turning into a javelin thrower! Coming soon to a blog post close to you.


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