Friday, June 1, 2012

Foursome of Favorites Fail to Finish

10)  John Gondak, Steve Shisler, Paul Mundy, Clark Haley (dnf)

This exact team ran away with the title last year and was the British Gambler's odds-on favorite to run away with it again.  But all the bets were for naught, as the Dream Team failed to finish the 18-holes in the regulation time period.

Paul "Crazy Pants" Mundy boomed drive after drive with "The Beast" to no avail. Let's be thankful he drives his Harley straighter than his golf drives!

Steve Shisler was disappointed in not getting his name on The Cup a second time. (And I failed to give him the photos from the 1985 Penn Relays 4 x 800 Championship of America for the second straight year!) 

Coach John Gondak became the Spokesman for the group when Clark became lost on the golf course somewhere on the front nine with just several holes remaining.  He held up well under the pressure of the podium at the Awards Dinner.  Which I am thankful for.

Clark Haley finally found a way to not win his own Golf Tournament.  And I'm thankful that Penn State Track and Field Alumni Golfers always are willing to help anyone in need.  Just like the group Clark started in 2002!

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