Monday, July 9, 2012

Galen Rupp Breaks Prefontaine's 40 Year-Old Record But Can Only Tie 60 Year-Old Record of PSU Great!

Galen Rupp won the 10000 M and 5000M at the recent Olympic Trials to lead the distance corps of American men to the 2012 London Olympics.  His 5000 M time of 13:22.67 eclipsed the mark set by Steve Prefontaine in the 1972 Trials.  But there was one record Rupp could only tie, and that one was held by PSU's very own Curt Stone.  Curt was the last person to win both races at the Trials prior to his 6th place finish at the 1952 London (oops, Stockholm!)* Olympics not at Wembley Stadium.  Remember, Curt was the astute team member who convinced Horace Ashenfelter III to join the Track team!

* error of my ways pointed out by new blog fact-checker Matt Groves!


  1. You mean the 1948 Olympics? 1952 was Helsinski.

  2. You are correct. I think he made both teams and I mixed them up. He did double in 52, so 60 years is correct. A good catch by another of my glorious fact checkers!

  3. Matt, Dave never lets facts get in the way of a good story!!! LTM

  4. I was soooo close on this one. Take it easy on me, I write these up on the fly! hee hee hee (All remaining facts verified by my voluminous fact checkers.)


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