Friday, July 6, 2012

Some People Are in Need of Singlets!

Actually, not these people!  That's Owen Dawson, Kyle Dawson and Hunter Backenstose (possibly Yanomamo son of Tim Backenstose) celebrating some canoe race triumphs.  The Fierce People are noted for their aquatic skills.

But the people I'm talking about are the 4 Nittany Lion-related Olympians heading to London in 3 weeks.  Mark Hawkins seems to think we should get some Alumni Singlets made up for all of them as a way to promote our Group and spread the word on PSU Track, "The Beast of the East".  I'm in firm agreement with him and will gladly help fund some of them. 

If anyone out there has the will and the means to support our effort, send a little donation to help defray the costs.  I would even like to expand the scope to include past Olympians too, but let's just take one step at a time!

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