Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Unrelated Good News

  1. Penn State lead the nation in graduation rate of football players.  More importantly, the graduation rate of African-American athletes and White athletes show absolutely no difference. Not many institutions even come close.
  2. Hang in there for 20 more years and you may live foreverThe Singularity has long been a favorite thought exercise for me.
  3. Mike Pfaff has top billing in the movie Catch Me Now.

Catch Me Now Trailer from Alexandra Manea on Vimeo.

    4.  Penn State Track and Field and Cross Country (and Our Group) stand ready to do what is necessary to make Penn State the Institution that can again claim the "Success with Honor" mantle.
Coach Beth Alford-Sullivan's Statement on today's NCAA sanctions:

To All  Penn State Track and Field/Cross Country Team Members, Alumni, Fans, and Friends –

The results of today’s NCAA sanctions on the Penn State football program and Penn State University have a significant impact on the university and athletic department.  Although, these may be interpreted as harsh and severe, one must remember the issues that have brought us to this point.  After lengthy departmental meetings today, I am confident in Penn State’s ability to turn the page and move forward. Support for our program of track and field and cross country will be maintained at the high level we know to keep us competitive within the Big Ten and NCAA.  This was demonstrated to the coaches through President Emmert and the Penn State athletic and university leadership.

I am confident that in lieu of these penalties, positive change and great success will be achieved.

All of us must interpret and digest the events of the last eight months, but as a unit, we must choose to move forward in a positive and productive manner.  I ask from each of you to stay the course and believe our best is yet to come.  I have been and continue to be honored to serve at this fine institution and this amazing athletic department and this outstanding track and field/cross country program.

We Are … And We Will.

Beth Alford-Sullivan
Director and Head Coach
Penn State Men’s and Women’s
Track and Field/Cross Country

Jess Riden
Director of Operations
Track and Field/Cross Country
Penn State University
147 Bryce Jordan Center

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